You jump at your feet. Your eyes filled with wrath. The one who dared to put a hold on your flights of fancy won’t be spared! Not this time!
As you stump your feet with fury in the direction of the hullabaloo, you are greeted with a broken glass window and some small, scary faces peeping through the glass if they’ve seen some prehistoric, gigantic dragon break free from a museum…
You open the door with a vengeance and are all set to spit out the fire…but even before you think of opening your stinking mouth you hear the unusual, sugar-coated apology that is exactly the opposite of the wild screaming, which echoes your gali all the time..”didi please ball wapas dedo”..
At one moment you are driven away with the false innocence..and you stand helpless..but soon you gather yourself back and refuse to give them the “saare fasad ki jad” , “afat ki pudiya”, the cricket ball. You shout at the top of your voice, as if convincing yourself “now it’s my turn to scream” …and close the door on their face with doubled force…throw away the “afat ki pudiya”, the “dream shatterer”, the sadela cricket ball into the dustbin, march back into your room and sprawl across the bed. And then….no matter how hard you try…tom cruise had gone for another date. You keep abusing those little monsters…but you know they’ll come back again tomrw with another ‘haath-gola’, which will bombard someone else’s dream with impunity..and fair chances of that someone being you again! HOWZZZAAAT!
6 comments: my darling sis was bizy dreaming 'bout tom uncle?? chalo in piddiyo ki cricket ball se aap sachhai se rubaroo to hui!! hehe
par yar seriously, even i'm fed up of these tiny irritating things called gulliy-cricket-players..the more disheartening part is that their moms are standing right there in the balconies, looking at their children troubling sweet-dreamers like us!..and even then these mammijis stand still..itching their ears with the pinky if nothing if they don't even know WHO these children are!!
For you, a fancy dream with uncle cruise and the inert glass on the windowpane might value more than the playing spirits that actually enfetters the society.. gully cricket is more than just a sport or hubbub on the streets.. you watch them playing once and you’ll agree with the remark that it’s indeed a great leveler. Where else can you find a impoverished shirtless boy screaming over a well-off sophisticated lad for dropping a catch!! From a filthy rich to a ragbag, and from a crackerjack player to a lumpish amateur, gully cricket has a space for everyone.. They grow up making their own rules.. they learn to team-up and imbibe the hidden traits of leadership.. which they wouldn’t have learnt otherwise. Its not about cricket, its not about breaking the windowpanes, its not about cacophony out on the streets.. its about cultivating a new generation!!
i agree wih all that 'sportsman spirit' that you're talking about..but what if there's a patient in someone's house who's just gone to sleep? what about the peace of mind, what about the cost of window glass that we have to replace once in every week? paise ped pe nahi ugate...and what if the glass hurts someone in the house??..we have proper play grounds for all that suff ..the picturesque scene of "impoverished shirtless boy screaming over a well-off sophisticated lad" is worth a penny in comparison to someone's peace of mind, which costs millions..
i wish everyone were fortunate enough to get a playground to play, in today’s time when streets and fields are squeezed in order put up mansions. and moreover.. parents, inevitably indoors for most of the day watching saas-bahu or busy with housework, are increasingly reluctant to let their children play out of their sight. children should not play out because they deliberately break same glasses every week.. or knowingly intrude the peace of mind of an old patient. But they should play out so that they develop a sense of place, the look and feel of the streets and the surround space they live in.. so that they learn not to be afraid of strangers but to be well-cultivated.. so that they have a world outside the tv and computers.. so that they are fit and fine and grow sturdy.. and by the way, putting a iron-grill over the glass on the windowpane would cost you just a little more than one time glass replacement :)
But certainly.. there are deep dark sides of it as well!! Children playing in streets now a days are using bad languages and behaving aggerssively and violently even more.. pata nahi.. but may be bcause of bad controls from their parents,. or resentment and anger at rules or unfair treatment.. but whatever, the scene is getting unbearable and bitter by days.. me too, formarly one of them, is a victim of it now :)
Gali cricket ko itna bhi galli maat do yaar!!.... it's the last option of some criket maniac as almost all grounds r now occupied by multi-storied in cities....BUT yes, sometimes they over do as well...
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