Hails to my Super-Saas, the Saas of all Saasus, who in spite of being bed-ridden, still manages to sway generations with the commandment in her voice..with an oxygen cylinder always beside her bed, no body can dare to loaf around her or else he or she is in for a good rebuke...
i sincerely salute her efforts in keeping a home the way it should be...it's a rare view to see joint families in the society these days and making the people residing in it stick together is even more arduous..But my Daadi-Saas is the glue that has kept the people of the family together..and the sceret behind her energy and alertness is the very strong will that resides in her 24 X 7, to see her people together..she uses her experiences to solve problems, not only of the family but even of the outiders..
in most of the houses these days we see old people vying for attention but her authority is such that she's never alone..people want to be with her, look after her, because everyone, including the kids understand that she's the wizard, the centripetal-force that attracts discipline and togetherness in the family..
i hope this force exists in all the families, joint or nulclear...
Yes,you are fortunate enough to have this atmosphere where people respect head of the family and understand the importance of joint family structure.
It is most unfortunate that Hindu joint family culture is disappearing due to changing scenario and change in the social values.
You can not have double standards for your daughter and daughter -in-law.This misbehaviour has divided Hindu family's social heritage. Families respecting these values are surviving in a better atmosphere and understanding with each other.
You may be in different places and away from your parents due to job and other limitations but respect for your parent and family members who made you should be carried through out your life.
Therefore the impartial role played by elders and its whole hearted acceptance by the youngsters need to be an essential component of our daily routine for growth and excellence in the family and social values.
i am thankful to all of you all for incorporating the values that i need for maintaining the togetherness of the family that now i am a part of..in spite of the fact that i have come from a nuclear family..though i have to make some extra efforts for that..because sometimes i don't agree with what the majority says..but because i respect my husband, i know that it's important to maintain the bond for him too.. i am proud of u guys for that!...:)
there are females who destroy the peace of the family and divide the people asa they enter the house...
kya karo..khud kitarif khud hi karani padti hai...wen nobody else notices...:)
oh yeah....baai is a good manager!! but that whole generation is ver family oriented. later generations are somehow not all that extra-ordinary in physical stamina or family management....lifestyles have changed and so the people. i hope we'll carry the essence of family unity (even if we cannot copy the super-saas formulas as it is)
and hey....teri tareef koi kare na kare i've always admired the way you NEVER behave like a typical spitfire bahuu...teri is 'chhoti chammach' ko teri tarif karne me koi jhijhak naii hoti :p
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