When i told some people that i am planning to direct a film, they laughed it out saying "you're so shy and direction needs a certain smartness that you lack. you better give up the idea. it's not your cup of tea." But there were some real gems around who supported my idea and promised to join me in my project and my maiden effort of making an independent documentary as a director. with their blessings and support i addressed the root cause of so many major problems that India is facing today - lack of women education and empowerment. the true story of the girls of a village in Madhya Pradesh inspired me to work on the concept and after a heart-wrenching experience of a 5 day stay with the girls, i came to know many shocking incidences that still pervades the country - female foeticide being the most terrible one. i NEVER EVER imagined even in my dreams that just a few kilometers away from my home, where i live a life like a princess, there could be a place where girls are toyed with and are sexually objectified and some are even not allowed to step into this beautiful world!! we have read this, heard about it, but i witnessed it through the innocent and tell tale eyes of the girls of Narlay..
And the fact that how beautifully the efforts of one man is stopping these cruelties gradually, is a subject of not just admiration but a subject which stirs the soul to wake up to this reality and contribute.
i salute the efforts of the man and my team, ESPECIALLY MY LIL SWEETHEART, MY SIS, for her support and for getting me all the applause and a tear-jerking response of an emotionally charged audience on some scenes in the film, when it was shown in the 16isto9 International Film Festival. the festival saw the entries from the countries like US, UK, Cannada, China, Egypt and Sweden. From India there were entries from around 150 colleges. My film titled "Adrashya Nari" (Invisible Woman), got Silver for the Best Documentary (non-fiction) film. It was a star-studded event and the evening of the final day saw the presence of superstar Amir Khan giving away the awards. My dad received the award on my behalf as i could not attend the function due to my mom's ill-health. But the pleasure to have my dad receive the award was more than what i could have got if i was there on the stage.
It was an evening i'll always remember..:)